Don't Protect Corporate Polluters 2002-07-17, 7:10 p.m. Help Defeat New Secrecy Protections for Corporate Polluters Just as financial scandals and abuses in some of our nation's largest corporations are coming to light, proposals to grant new secrecy and immunity protections for these corporations are again being considered by Congress - this time as part of legislation to create the new Department of Homeland Security. This could block communities living near chemical facilities from staying informed of risks so they can work to reduce chemical hazards and prepare for potential accidents. Urge your representatives in the House and Senate to protect your right-to-know and oppose restricted access to information on local environmental and health hazards.
Anyone? - 2008-01-24 |
"Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation." - Martin Luther King, Jr.