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Cafe Press, drop sweatshops!
2002-08-03, 1:24 p.m.

Cafe Press sell thousands of t-shirts a month, and use a mix of Hanes and American Apparel products. Hanes are made in sweat shops (Sara Lee is notorious for this); American Apparel is made by union workers making a decent wage. There was a thread about this on Cafe Press's forums, where people were urging them to switch to non-sweatshop clothing - either American Apparel, or Sweat X (as American Apparel doesn't have large sizes).

Cafe Press deleted the thread about Hanes t-shirts being made in sweat shops, and suggesting they switch to American Apparel or Sweat X, who are both non-sweatshop, union t-shirt makers.

Email them: [email protected] or [email protected] or use their web contact form.

Or call them: 1-877-809-1659

Tell them that Hanes are made in sweatshops, and they should switch over to American Apparel (which they already use for a number of products), ot Sweat X, both union, non-sweatshop t-shirt makers. And they shouldn't delete threads to censor discussion of this on their forums!

Be sure to tell them that you're a customer or potential customer - that you've bought from them, or have a t-shirt store with them, or you would buy or have your own store if they had sweatshop-free t-shirts!

This site has more info on Hanes and sweat shops.

There's another thread that hasn't been deleted yet - if it's still there, you can tell 'em what you think there too: http://pub80.ezboard.com/fcafepressstoreownersforumfrm14.showMessage?topicID=109.topic

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