Stop the Florida-tion of the 2004 election 2004-02-29, 11:19 p.m. Computers threaten accountability of voting system Today, there is a new and real threat to voters, this time coming from touchscreen voting machines with no paper trails and the computerized purges of voter rolls. You can join SCLC President Martin Luther King III and investigative reporter Greg Palast in opposing the "Florida-tion" of the 2004 Presidential election by signing this petition. A complete copy of the petition will be delivered by Working Assets to Attorney General John Ashcroft. Dear Attorney General John Ashcroft, Today, there is a new and real threat to voters, this time coming from touchscreen voting machines with no paper trails and the computerized purges of voter rolls. In 2002, Congress passed the wrongly-named "Help America Vote Act" which requires every state to computerize, centralize and purge voter rolls before the 2004 election. This is the very system which the state of Florida used to remove tens of thousands of eligible African-American and Hispanic voters from voter registries before the Presidential election of 2000. The Act also lays a minefield of other impediments to voters: an effective rollback of the easy voter registration methods of the Motor Voter Act; new identification requirements at polling stations; and perilous incentives for fault-prone and fraud-susceptible touch-screen voting machines. We, the undersigned, demand security against the dangerous "Florida-tion" of our nation�s voting methods through computerization of voter rolls and ballots. Computers were part of the problem in Florida, not the cure. We, the undersigned, hereby demand that NO voter be purged from centralized voter rolls without proof positive that the voter is ineligible. We also demand a halt to further computerization of balloting until such methods are made unsusceptible to political manipulation, fraud, and racial bias. Signed, Martin Luther King III President, Southern Christian Leadership Conference Greg Palast Author, The Best Democracy Money Can Buy
Anyone? - 2008-01-24 |
"Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation." - Martin Luther King, Jr.