HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS WILL MARCH OCT. 26 2002-10-09, 3:52 p.m. This email is a few days old, but better late than never is what I always say! From: Action Center THE ANTI-WAR MOVEMENT'S RESPONSE TO TONIGHT'S TELEVISED SPEECH BY GEORGE BUSH: HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS WILL MARCH AGAINST WAR WITH IRAQ ON OCTOBER 26 IN WASHINGTON D.C., SAN FRANCISCO & CITIES AROUND THE WORLD Make no mistake about it, the Bush administration has taken a giant step towards war with tonight's televised address to the country. For months Bush has presented an ever-changing set of rationales for war with Iraq, switching from one to another when the falsity of the argument becomes too obvious. Tonight Bush simply strung all these lies together into an argument for a war that is becoming increasingly unpopular. It would be the height of folly to take seriously Bush's assertion that a U.S. war against Iraq is an option of last resort or that he is a "patient man." Bush is simply trying to put a new public relations face on his plan for unprovoked war against Iraq -- a country that poses absolutely no threat to the security of the United States or the people of the United States. U.S. warplanes bomb Iraq almost every day. Iraq has not bombed the United States. Bush and his team of ultra-militarists and hawks have created an "Alice in Wonderland" version of reality. Seeking to establish that the coming war is a "just war," Bush tonight continued his strategy of generating a hysteria around the so-called threat posed by Iraq's potential for developing chemical, biological and nuclear weapons. The problems Bush's speech sought to address is the widespread opposition that exists among the American people to his war plans. Now what was previously sentiment against war is becoming mass action, with tens of thousands of people across the country demonstrating against the war in rapidly increasing numbers. As Washington prepares to spend 100 to 200 billion dollars on war, with 40 million people without healthcare, rising homelessness and mass layoffs, a movement is growing that is determined to prevent young people from the U.S. to be sent overseas to kill and be killed in a war for oil profits. The true goal of the Bush administration's war is the establishment of corporate and banking domination over Iraq's 100 billion barrels of oil reserves, the second-largest in the world. Posing no obstacle to these plans, Congress is poised to rubberstamp this war, despite the fact that their own constituents are against it and are calling their offices to say so. If this war is going to be stopped, it will be by the mass movement of people in the streets, already growing larger by the day, who want money spent on human needs and jobs, not war. On October 26, hundreds of thousands of people will march against a new war against Iraq in Washington D.C., San Francisco and cities around the world -- including Mexico, Japan, Spain, Germany, South Korea, Belgium and Australia -- under the banner Stop the War Before It Starts. The Washington D.C. demonstration will start at 11 a.m. at Constitution Gardens adjacent to the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial (21st St. and Constitution Ave. NW). The momentum in the U.S. against war has increased dramatically, and is expected to grow larger in the weeks leading up to the October 26 National March on Washington. Tens of thousands protested war with Iraq Sunday in mass demonstrations in New York, Portland, San Francisco and other cities, in demonstrations called by the Not In Our Name Coalition. The next step for the anti-war movement will be the national mobilization focused on October 26. Speakers and participants of the October 26 rally will include Reverend Jesse Jackson, who has been promoting the demonstration in speaking engagements around the country; former U.S. Attorney General Ramsey Clark; Representative Cynthia McKinney; Reverend Al Sharpton; Bishop Thomas Gumbleton; Mahdi Bray, Muslim American Society Freedom Foundation; and others who have added themselves to a growing endorsers' list of over 3,000. Organizers of the March on Washington say momentum for this demonstration has already surpassed that of the 100,000-person march they organized in April in support of Palestine -- as well as any previous anti-war mobilization. For a Partial List of Endorsers, see To endorse, go to ---------------------- BUSES ARE TRAVELING FROM OVER 100 CITIES FROM ALL OVER THE U.S. TO BE IN WASHINGTON DC AND SAN FRANCISCO ON OCTOBER 26! BUSES ARE COMING FROM THE FOLLOWING STATES: Go to to find transportation details and contact information. If you're organizing from your city, help get people to DC by filling out the form at so we can let others know about local transportation. ---------------------- If you are coming to DC, find the LOSTICAL INFO you need to know at The October 26 protest to Stop the War on Iraq Before it Starts will begin at 11 am in Constitution Gardens, which is adjacent to the Vietnam Veterans War Memorial. Buses can drop off at 21st St. and Constitution Ave. NW (at the rally site), and then proceed to parking (this information will be available soon). Driving directions, transportation in DC, low cost housing and more can be found on our logistics page! ---------------------- You can help stop the war NOW! HELP GET THE WORD OUT! Download flyer at: If you would like SPEAKERS on the history of the U.S./Iraq conflict at your high school, college, union, or community center, email [email protected] Make a TAX-DEDUCTIBLE DONATION to help stop the war before it starts: ---------------------- FOR MORE INFORMATION: Sign up to receive updates about the movement to stop a war in Iraq (low volume): International A.N.S.W.E.R.
Anyone? - 2008-01-24 |
"Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation." - Martin Luther King, Jr.