Tell Congress Vote No! on Bush's 87 Billion 2003-10-14, 10:02 p.m.
As tens of thousands of people prepare to march on Washington and San Francisco on October 25 to demand an end to the occupation of Iraq, the Bush administration is demanding that the U.S. Congress take $87 billion more from working families in the U.S. to fund its illegal invasion and occupation. Congress intends to vote this week. All VoteNoWar members should immediately register a powerful voice of opposition. We have set up a free and easy instant communication tool at to communicate with every member of Congress. By acting now, you can make the politicians feel the heat of the growing sentiment of people opposed to Bush's mad adventure in Iraq. Tell them "Vote No!" This money has nothing to do with humanitarian reconstruction of Iraq and everything to do with the murderous occupation and the economic recolonization of Iraq to the benefit of Halliburton, Bechtel, ExxonMobil and other well connected transnational corporations and banks. Go to the VoteNoWar web site now to send a message to Congress demanding that they Vote No! to the $87 Billion. Tell the members of Congress "Vote No!" to war and occupation. The Bush administration has severely cut money for education, libraries, housing, aid to states, job training and other social programs that are vital for working families, yet the Bush gang is willing to spend endless amounts of money to contract with their corporate profiteering friends following the forced privatization and takeover of Iraq's economy. The U.S. government certainly has a debt to pay for the destruction it caused in Iraq but this $87 billion bill is nothing more than a blank check for military occupation and corporate looting. One year ago, Congress shamelessly rubber stamped Bush's war drive in defiance of massive public opposition to so-called preemptive war against Iraq. Millions of people went into the streets all around the United States and around the world in an effort to stop this illegal war of aggression against a country that did not pose a "grave and imminent danger" to the United States. Tell Congress that they will be held accountable for embracing or caving in to the Bush Administration in opposition to the sentiment of the people. The vote will take place within a matter of days. So act now. Tell your friends and family that they too can use the free service at the website as a way to carry out instantaneous communications with elected officials in both the House and Senate, to demand "end the occupation of Iraq, bring the troops home now." It's no accident that there has been a dramatic shift in public opinion in recent months. Every public rationale used by the Bush administration to justify the war has been exposed as a lie. Tens of thousands of Iraqis are dead, thousands of U.S. soldiers have been either wounded or killed, and Iraqi society has been plunged into chaos and misery. Voting "yes" to $87 billion is a vote to maintain the illegal occupation. Voting "yes" to the $87 billion authorizes an illegal occupation that will see the needless deaths of Iraqis and U.S. soldiers with each passing day. We can't expect the politicians to take the leadership. Only a people's movement, existing at the grassroots level in every community, will stop Bush's program of "endless war." More than 130 cities have now announced plans to bring buses and car caravans to Washington DC for the October 25 mass March on the White House and Ashcroft's Justice Department. This will be the largest demonstration since the large anti-war demonstrations last spring. There will be a sister demonstration in San Francisco on October 25. Make your plans now to join the demonstration. In solidarity, All of us at
Anyone? - 2008-01-24 |
"Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation." - Martin Luther King, Jr.