Really REALLY Free Market 2004-05-14, 10:14 p.m. Here's an anarchist/anti-authoritarian gathering you are all invited and encouraged to attend. Just leave the b/s liberal thought at home please. ~Matches ( Really, REALLY Free Market in Raleigh, NC June 12 Calling all anarchists and activists-- whether you'll be going back home from the G8 protests in Savannah, or you live in the southeast, come join us for a full day of feasting, skill-sharing, gift-exchanging, and game-playing, followed by a revolutionary punk, metal, and hip hop show-- all free! Activists and communities to celebrate alternative economics at the "Really REALLY Free Market" in Raleigh, June 12 What: The Really REALLY Free Market Where: Chavis Park, 505 Martin Luther King Jr. Blvd.,Raleigh When: Noon, Saturday, June 12 for information, contact [email protected] Local artists, activists, and community members will gather at Chavis Park in Raleigh on June 12 for a festive manifestation of cooperative values. This event comes immediately on the heels of the meeting of the G8, the most powerful and exclusive elite in the world, on Sea Island off the coast of Georgia. On Sea Island, protected by well over $25 million worth of security, the delegates to the G8 will make decisions affecting the fate of the planet in undemocratic, closed meetings; in Chavis Park, we will demonstrate in action our vision of an alternative world, a world in which power is held in common and "free" means just that: really, really free. We invite everyone to join in this people's bazaar-- the "Really REALLY Free Market." This will be a market that values both cultural and ecological diversity, in which all are truly free to give, receive, and create on their own terms, in which people can fulfill their needs by working together. Rather than a protest against the injustices of the so-called free market and the fat cats who benefit from it, this will be a celebration of the cooperation and gift-giving that make life possible beyond the constraints of mere economics. Individuals and groups are encouraged to organize performances, creative events, and stands for the bazaar. Such stands could share food, games, music, clothing, or any other important resources; the only stipulation is that there is no buying, selling, or promoting involved-- in this market, everything is strictly free! Show up to Chavis Park June 12 with something to share, and let this be another step in our movement towards a really, really free world. Because there's enough for everyone
Anyone? - 2008-01-24 |
"Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation." - Martin Luther King, Jr.