Protest at the Democratic National Convention 2004-07-24, 3:00 p.m. Thousands to March Against War and Racism Statement from the Coalition to Protest the DNC Thousands of people are arriving in Boston to protest the Kerry-Bush war policies. Activists, veterans, clergy, union members, students, and others are coming to march to the site of the Democratic National Convention to take a stand against war and racism. Both parties support the colonial occupation of Iraq, Haiti, and Palestine, attacks on unions and workers, and the repressive Patriot Act. The conventions of both parties are lavish gatherings of millionaires and corporate-owned politicians. The only forum for the people is on the streets, and we will be there by the thousands to demand, "Bring the Troops Home Now! End Colonial Occupation of Iraq, Palestine, and Haiti. Money for jobs, housing, health care, and education, not for war and occupation." Volunteers are arriving from all over the country, from as far away as San Diego, California and Raleigh, North Carolina. Causeway Street on Sunday, July 25, will see a large, united demonstration--the only forum for those who oppose the Bush-Kerry policies of war and racism. The Coalition to Protest the DNC has won a great victory for free speech over the politicians and police who attempted to stop the march from taking place. We have permits to march down Causeway Street, directly in front of the Fleet Center, site of the DNC. However, we denounce the decision of Judge Woodlock allow the "protest pen" to stand. Even thouch Woodlock called the pen "an affront to free speech" and "corrosive of democratic values," and admitted that it was appropriately referred to as an "internment pen," he chose to allow this abomination to stand. By doing so, he demonstrated utter contempt for free speech and set a dangerous precedent. We call for the pen to be torn down now. We invite all who have come to Boston to protest the DNC to boycott the pen. Do not voluntarily go into Judge Woodlock's internment camp--join us on the street in front of the DNC to take a united stand against war, racism, and repression. We further denounce the dangerous and unnecessary media campaign waged against the non-violent demonstrators coming to Boston. The Police Department and the Federal Agencies brought in to suppress dissent, have issued false statements claiming that demonstrators were planning to commit acts of "terrrorism," including attacking media vehicles. There is no threat of violence coming from demonstrators. These lies are being spread at the last minute in order to frighten the residents of Boston, to attempt to scare away and intimidate protestors, and to divert attention from the issues being raised by the thousands of people coming to Boston to protest against a brutal and illegal war, against racist attacks on immigrants, and the anti-worker policies of both corporate parties. For the media to even mention violence in association with the protests is ridiculous; we should instead be talking about the real violence: the colonial war against Iraq, which has resulted in the deaths of more than 900 U.S. troops and thousand of Iraqis, illegal roundups and detention of Muslim and Arab people, the continual brutalization of people of color by police, and the war being waged by politicians of both parties against working people in the US. We call for all opposed to the Bush-Kerry policies to join us. We will gather at 12 noon at Boston Common for a rally and then march on the Democratic National Convention. This demonstration is organized by the Coaltion to Protest the DNC, which includes Chuck Turner, Boston City Council; ANSWER Boston; The New England Human Rights Organization for Haiti; Union of Minority Neighborhoods; The MLK Bolivarian Circle; The Greater Roxbury Workers Association; USWA Local 8751, Boston School Bus Drivers; The International Action Center; Chelsea United Against the War; The Women?s Fightback Network and the Stonewall Warriors. March on the DNC! Iraq War Crimes Tribunal
Anyone? - 2008-01-24 |
"Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation." - Martin Luther King, Jr.