Say NO to the Police State 2004-07-19, 6:16 p.m.
Join us in Boston to say NO to the Police State The Police State has come to Boston. In an attempt to intimidate protest and silence dissent, the Boston Police, in cooperation with the Department of Homeland Security, is imposing unprecedented police state measures: **City Bus Drivers were given mandatory "anti-terror" training. They were shown films to help them identify "terrorists." The people shown in the film were not terrorists--they were ANSWER activists. Bus Drivers have been ordered not to allow anyone on the bus carrying political signs. Peaceful protest has now been officially designated as "terrorism" by the government. **More than 75 high tech cameras hav been placed throughout the city, with instant links to "monitoring stations." From these stations, Federal Agents can zoom in on facial characteristics and license plates. The surveillance of political activity without probable cause, which has been determined to be illegal and unconstitutional, is designed to intimidate and harass protestors. **The Boston Police has announced pland for the round-up, mass arrest, and detention of political dissenters during the DNC. We must take a stand against the Police State in Boston. How You Can Help: *Call, write, and fax the following. Tell them we will not tolerate their war on civil liberties: Thomas Menino-- Mayor of Boston-- [email protected] Department of Homeland Security-- phone: 202-282-8600 John Kerry Campaign-- Boston Police Boston Police Superintendent Robert Dunford-- *The best way to defeat the Department of Homeland Security/Boston Police attempt to silence dissent is to show up in massive numbers on the streets of Boston. Let them know that we will NOT be intimidated. Join us on the streets on Sunday, July 25 to Rally and March on the Democratic National Convention to kick off a week of protest and resistance against the warmakers. We will rally on Boston Common and march to the Fleet Center, site of the DNC. For more information, call ANSWER Boston at 617-522-6626 March on the DNC! Iraq War Crimes Tribunal Anyone can subscribe.
Anyone? - 2008-01-24 |
"Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation." - Martin Luther King, Jr.