Stop Media Megalopolies Before They Start! 2003-05-22, 8:05 p.m. Our Democracy Needs Real News with Diverse Points of View Stop Giant Media Corporations from Growing Bigger-and Serving Up More Bias, Mayhem & Infotainment Just click on the link below to send an e-mail (text below) to all five members of the Federal Communications Commission, urging them not to allow giant media corporations to grow larger. If journalism provided us a healthy diet of balanced news-rather than an overdose of mayhem, fluff, and distortion-would we have been able to prevent America's invasion of Iraq? Would more people vote? Would our neighbors be less cynical and less fearful of each other? Would our democracy and collective spirit be stronger? We think so. Yet, if the Federal Communications Commission has its way, America's shameful "news" media will continue to undermine our democracy. On Monday, June 2, the FCC will vote on new rules allowing our nation's giant media conglomerates to grow even bigger by squashing the independent media outlets we have left. The new rules would allow a mammoth media corporation in one city to own eight radio stations, two major TV stations, and the largest daily newspaper. The news media is too powerful-and essential in our democracy-to be dominated by a few for-profit corporations. Tell the Federal Communications Commissioners not to approve this plan allowing further mergers by media conglomerates. Just click on the link below. Then please forward this to anyone else you think agrees that journalism is the lifeblood of democracy. Sincerely, Ben Cohen * I am writing this email on my own and not on behalf of Ben & Jerry's, which is not associated with the TrueMajority campaign. Here's the letter we'll e-mail to all five FCC Commissioners: Dear Commissioner: I know you are busy. But prior to your vote on June 2, stop for a moment to consider this: Imagine if America's news media emphasized solutions, rather than problems. Imagine if America's top journalists were paid to inform, rather than titillate, dramatize, and report anything as "news" to boost ratings. If you support this vision, you will vote against allowing giant media corporations to grow even bigger. For example, I think it's dangerous for one company to own both the leading daily newspaper (often the only daily newspaper) and a local TV station in the same city. This ownership arrangement puts too much power in the hands of one media corporation-and it reduces the already small number of independent media voices we hear in our communities. Please join with all your colleagues and act now to stop big media from getting even bigger. Sincerely,
Anyone? - 2008-01-24 |
"Let us rise up tonight with a greater readiness. Let us stand with a greater determination. And let us move on in these powerful days, these days of challenge to make America what it ought to be. We have an opportunity to make America a better nation." - Martin Luther King, Jr.